The Select Multiple tool allows the mobile user to select one or more answers by tapping check boxes in a list. Note that the Select Multiple tool can be used inside a Questionnaire container to display the questions in a tabular format.
The following animated image shows an example of a Select Multiple list:
Select Multiple fields can also use images instead of text for answers. To add an image click on the small camera icon next to where the answer is entered and select either an image from the doForms library or upload a photo from your local folders. Once a photo is selected scale the image so it fits inside of the picker and click save. Using pictures instead of text still requires the user to have a text value for each potential answer, even if it is not displayed.
Answers: Specifies the values of the answers that you wish to include in the list. Each option includes an Answer (as presented to the user), and you may select the Underlying value checkbox to add underlying values. These are descriptive or alpha-numeric codes of your choosing (spaces are not permitted in the Underlying values fields; please use underscores instead).
Default value: If you wish to have one of the answers selected when the mobile form is initially opened, you can select that value here. Leave blank to have no answers selected when the form is initially opened.
Display: Choose Down or Across to control how the list is displayed in the mobile form:
Down: Lists the items as a column going down. For example:
Across: Lists the items in a row going across. For example:
Because the Across list will wrap onto multiple lines as the screen size decreases (as shown in the image above), you may instruct the form to ignore the Across setting if the mobile form is viewed on a device smaller than a specified size. To do this, select the the Ignore across if screen size smaller than checkbox, and then select a screen size (measured in inches diagonally).
Hide answers: Hide the answer text and display only the checkbox part of the select. Useful when there is only one answer and you want the Caption to contain the answer.