The Signature tool provides the ability to sign a mobile form. This can be performed with a finger or stylus when using a touch screen, or with a mouse on desktops and laptops. A Signature tool may exist by itself within a form, or within a table or layout grid.
The animated image below shows a person signing their name in a Signature field within a form:
Allow edit: This option is available by request from Allows the form user to re-enter a signature after initially capturing a signature [i.e., after the Done button (mobile forms) or the Save button (for forms accessed in doForms web client or on the web) has been tapped/clicked. Note that this option can not be changed after the form has been published. This ensures that the same Allow edit option was used for all the information collected.
Allow bulk signature: Allows the user to select multiple records in the review tab and apply a single signature to each record. Checking this setting enables the form to be included in the bulk signing of multiple forms. For example, in the past, companies who needed multiple signatures on multiple forms would had to have manually signed each form individually. Now form builders can enable “Bulk Signature” to allow the mobile user to have the ability to select multiple records and have the customer sign once and apply that signature to all forms.