The Date/Time tool allows the user to select a date and/or time within a form, as shown in the sample animated image, below:
Default value: Set the value for the field to display when a user first opens the form. Leave blank to have no value initially appear.
Set field equal to current date, time, or date/time: Set the field to the current date/time when the form is opened.
Week ending date: Enter the date of the last day of the week.
- End day: The day of the week to consider as the last day of the week.
- Date field: The field to use as the date input.
Type: Specifies whether you want the mobile user to be able to enter the date, the time, or the date and time.
- Date - user can only enter a date
- Time - user can only enter a time
- Date:Time - user can enter a date and time
Button type: These options decide whether the field will display a "Today" or "Now" button or a Date/Time icon. When using the icon setting users can also choose what the icon action is. The icon can either automatically enter the current date and/or time or it can bring up the date/time picker.
Remove today button, now button, icon: Removes the Now button (for time) and a Today (for date) button (shown in the animated image above), that the mobile user can click to insert the current date and/or time into the form.
Remove seconds: This setting only applies to time or date/time fields. This setting simply removes the seconds from the answer for a time or date/time field. If unchecked, the user will see down to the second what time it is.
Use minute Interval: This option allows the user to limit their time answers to specific intervals. If checked, when the user clicks the 'Now' button the timestamp will automatically go to the correct interval time. This setting also makes the time picker only include minute options that match the selected interval.
- Rounding: Select Up to always increase the time, Down to always reduce the time, and Standard to round to the nearest interval.
Limit user to interval values: Only display time values that match the selected interval in the time picker. Leave unchecked if the app should round the time value after it is selected by the user.
For example, if the interval setting is set to 15 minutes and rounding is set to Up, when the user clicks the Now button at 11:16 AM the timestamp will read 11:30 AM (next 15 minute interval). If Limit user to interval values is checked, the time picker will also only include minutes that match this interval (for this example the minute picker would only include 00, 15, 30, and 45).
Auto-stamp: This option allows the form to automatically enter the date and/or time into the field, based on a trigger. The trigger can be set to one of the following four options:
- When a specified question is answered for the first time: For example, you could instruct the form to enter the date and time into the field immediately after the person signs their name (using the Signature field). Select this option, and then select the Question trigger (in our example, the question trigger would be the Signature field).
- When a specified page is displayed for the first time: For example, you could instruct the form to enter the date and time into the field immediately after the Contact Info page is displayed for the first time. Select this option, and then select the Page trigger (in our example, the page trigger would be the Contact Info page).
- When the form is opened for the first time.
- When the form is saved as complete.
Keyboard only (no picker): Use the keyboard to enter the Date/Time value instead of using a graphical Date/Time picker.
- Use the Advanced format option to control what the user must type to enter a Date/Time.
- If no Advanced format option is set, these default formats will be used:
- Date: MM/dd/yyyy
- Time: hh:mm aa
- Date/Time: MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa
Military-time: Displays the time using military format (e.g., 6:00:00 PM would be displayed as 18:00:00).
Advanced format: Allows users to format dates and times in a variety of ways. The supported format options include:
- yy or yyyy - Displays two digit (e.g. 19), or four digit (e.g. 2019) numeric value of the year.
- M or MM or MMM or MMMM - Displays one or two numeric digits (e.g. 4 or 11), or two numeric digits (e.g. 03), or three alpha digits (e.g. Mar), or full alpha value (e.g. March) of the month.
- d or dd or ddd or dddd - Displays one or two numeric digits (e.g. 3 or 14), or two numeric digits (e.g. 02), or three alpha digits (e.g. Tue), or full alpha value (e.g. Tuesday) of the day.
- h or hh - Displays one or two digits (e.g. 3 or 11), or two digits (e.g. 03 or 11) of the numeric value of the am/pm hour. Check the Military-time option to use 24 hour format.
- mm - Displays the two digit numeric value of the minutes.
- ss - Displays the two digit numeric value of the seconds.
- a - Displays "AM" or "PM," depending upon the time of day.
Note that you may insert various punctuation characters ( , . / : @ ) between advanced format values to format the date and time to your personal liking. For example:
- MMM dd, yyyy - Displays "Feb 28, 2016"
- MM/dd/yyyy - Displays "02/28/2016"
- MM.dd - Displays "02.28"
- MM/yyyy - Displays "02/2016"
- hh:mm:ss a - Displays "10:30:08 AM"
- MM/dd/yy hh:mm a - Displays "02/28/16 10:30 PM"
- MM/dd/yy @ hh:mm:ss a - Displays "02/28/16 @ 10:30:08 PM"
Allow edit: Allows a user to edit the Date/Time field after they initially enter it into a form, or after it is auto-stamped (see above), or when editing an existing form submission. Note that this option can not be changed after the form has been published. This ensures that the same Allow edit option was used for all the information collected.
Use calendar view: Use a calendar instead of spinners to select the date.
Range: Sets the Minimum (earliest date and/or time) and Maximum (latest date and/or time) that the mobile user may enter into the Date/Time field.
Compare: allows the user to compare a date/time field to another date/time field. For example, if a user wanted to ensure Date1 was > Date2 this is the tool they would use. The compare setting allows you to create a condition which if it is not met the form will not be allowed to be submitted. If one of the dates is blank, the compare will not stop the form from being submitted.