The Choose One tool allows the mobile user to select an answer from a multiple choice list (presented either as a series of radio buttons, or as a drop-down list). Note that the Choose One tool can be used inside a Questionnaire container to organize the questions within a tabular format.
The following animated image shows an example of three radio button Choose One lists:
The following animated image shows an example of three drop-down Choose One lists:
Note that a Choose One widget can be hidden in a mobile form in order to create an approval tool. For example, a doForms web user who approves forms that are submitted by mobile users may wish to create an approval tool that only they can view on the web. To do this, the web user can insert a Choose One widget in the form and hide it from mobile users (see Hide settings below). This way, the Choose One field will appear when web users view data on the doForms web portal, but remains hidden in the mobile form.
Choose one fields can also use images instead of text for answers. To add an image click on the small camera icon next to where the answer is entered and select either an image from the doForms library or upload a photo from your local folders. Once a photo is selected scale the image so it fits inside of the picker and click save. Using pictures instead of text still requires the user to have a text value for each potential answer, even if it is not displayed.
Radio buttons - Answers: Specifies the values of the multiple choice answers. Each option includes an Answer (as presented to the user), and you may select the Underlying value checkbox to add underlying values. These are descriptive or alpha-numeric codes of your choosing (spaces are not permitted in the Underlying values fields; these fields replace spaces with underscores instead). Using the underlying value setting allows the user to define a value for that answer that is different than the displayed answer. For example, if a user had a list potential wine names in a choose one field but wanted the to use the product code of the selected answer, they could use this setting to replace the name of the wine bottle with the product code associated to it. This way when a wine bottle is selected the user who selected it would see the name of the bottle but the user who created the form would see the product code.
Slider - Values: Select the value to store if the slider is on or off.
Default value: If not selected, no radio buttons or drop-down selection in the Choose one list will be highlighted upon opening the form. If you do select a default value, then the radio button or drop-down selection for that value will be selected upon opening the form (unless the question is marked as Read only, the mobile user will then be able to select another value). Setting a default value is useful because it minimizes the work for mobile users when a question has a likely answer. Note that repeating values can be set on the doForms mobile app using the Remember Answer option.
Display: The answer choice options can either appear as radio buttons or as a drop-down list, using the following settings:
- Down: Creates a list of radio buttons going down the page.
- Across: Creates a series of radio buttons going across the page.
- Simple dropdown: Creates a drop-down list of choices.
Allow deselect: This setting, if checked, allows the user filling out the form to deselect a radio button they had previously selected. If this setting is unchecked the user would only be able to select another possible answer but would not be able to deselect an answer.
Hide answers: Hide the answer text and display only the checkbox part of the select. Useful when there is only one answer and you want the Caption to contain the answer.