Action buttons are used for form navigation, saving and submitting forms, launching videos, websites and driving directions and much more.
Action: Select the action from the dropdown list. Each action is described in more detail below.
Trigger: Actions can be triggered on demand by the user clicking the Button or they can be trigged to Auto run based on a condition being met. See the dropdown list for available trigger options.
Button: Display a rectangular button with text and an optional image to the left of the text. Customize the style in the Appearance section.
Image: Display an image button with optional text below the image. Customize the style in the Appearance section.
Image: Upload or Select an image. Optional for Button type. The recommended file type is png with a transparent background. The ideal size is at least 200px in one dimension.
Hide button after click: Check this box if you want the button on the form to be hidden after it is clicked by the user.
Image text: The text to display. You can enter up to 100 characters. Optional for Image type.
Size: For Image type buttons, select Small, Medium or Large size.
If screen is smaller than: For Image type buttons, select an optional size for devices with small screens.
For more control over button arrangement, use a Button Grid.
Active text color is used when your button is clicked.
You can also modify the default button colors by going to the Settings tab and selecting Form appearance. Changing the default will modify how button appear in your form unless you select Custom and modify the setting for that one particular field.
Rules & Permissions
Actions & Logic
Set destination fields: Update other fields as a result of this button being clicked. This action is in addition to the button action. There is a set destination field action which should be used when there is no other button action.
Hide field(s) if clicked: Hide other fields when the button is clicked. If a question hidden by this option also has an Only display this question if option set, then the result of the Only display this question if is respected.
Audit: The audit widget is used to compare entries against a predefined data source such as a delivery manifest or an inventory list. Once you are done entering or scanning in all of your items, you simply hit the audit button and the system can automatically determine how many items you matched, how many under you are or over.
To accomplish this, the widget needs a Data lookup with a data source and a defined lookup field that contains the values to compare. You can hide this data lookup by placing it in a hidden page if you do not want your auditors to have access to the list in advance of the audit.
Select the Input question field that you will enter data into. If scanning a lot of items, we recommend using a question inside a Table control and setting the dynamically add rows function to on. This will allow the user to enter or scan as many items as needed.
Once the user is done scanning, they will hit the audit button that is part of the audit widget. This can be a custom button and or you can give it whatever name is appropriate for the function you are performing.
The last step of the process is to determine what you want the widget to output. You have three options:
When you select an output option it will ask you for the field to use. For the purposes of the audit, please use a Table with a question in a column where you want the data placed. A new row will be created for each item. It is ok to have additional columns in your table but select the field in your table where you want the items placed. The table will automatically expand by adding rows as needed to fit all your results. We recommend that you set this field to read only to protect the integrity of the audit.
We also recommend that that once the audit button is clicked that you use the hide button after click option so they cannot alter the process.
Auto Dial: If your device is capable of making cellular calls then you can set this action button to auto dial the Mobile number you select in your form. You can set a number using the constant option or point to another field in your form that contains the phone number you would like to dial. This is useful when dispatching a form that contains the customer's phone number. You can use the Time to Location option in the Google GPS Functions action to first get your ETA based on current traffic conditions.
Close form: Closes the form without saving data or sending it to the doForms portal. This is useful if your form is informational only, like a user guide.
Reject job and remove from jobs list: Gives the user the ability to reject a dispatched job and remove the job from the jobs list without having to remove it manually. No changes to the form will be saved or submitted. The Rejected status will be sent to the portal and the job will show as Rejected.
Close, open selected form: Closes your current form without saving any data. Allows you to open a new form. Before opening the new form you can automatically check the system for any updates meaning form updates or changes to data in data sources. Note that this will require that your mobile device have internet access. You can also Send values from the current form to the new form.
By selecting a form the assumption is that the user has access to the form in question. If a form exists in more than a single project, the system will ask the user to select the appropriate project. If the form is not found or the user has no access to this form they will receive a message letting them know this function could not be performed.
- Check for updates: Check for updates after closing the form.
Refresh: Refresh the list of projects or forms.
Close, reload form: Effectively a cancel form button. This action closes your current form without saving any data and simply reloads the form.
Check for updates: Check for updates after closing the form.
Check for updates: Check for updates after closing the form.
Close, retrieve form: Close the form without saving, then start the retrieve form process based on data in the current form. The user can retrieve a form without opening the Retrieve tab.
- Submit action: The action to take when the retrieved form is submitted.
- Project: The project to search.
- Form: The form definition to search.
Condition: The condition to use in the search.
- Restrict by mobile device: Only forms submitted by the same mobile device can be retrieved.
- Create date: The date the form was submitted. Use Custom to use a date range based on fields in the current form. Required.
- Question: Select a question in the form to search. Select a field in the current to form to match in the Answer. Not required.
- Display: Define the fields in the form that will be visible to the user in the list of forms to retrieve. If no fields are defined, the record name will be used.
Remove from review if no changes are saved: Remove the retrieved form from the Review tab if the user exits the form without saving changes.
Get Geotab data: Get data from a Geotab GO device and send the data to destination fields in the form.
Read about using the Get Geotab data action button.
Inspect with ClearQuote: Inspect using ClearQuote AI powered vehicle inspection.
Send to ClearQuote
- Registration number: The license plate number of the vehicle to inspect.
Returned from ClearQuote
- Message: "Inspection Completed" if the inspection was successful, otherwise an error message.
- Registration number: The license plate number of the vehicle that was inspected.
- Quote ID: The ID of the inspection.
- Public URL: The URL of the public results of the inspection.
Note: The inspection analysis in ClearQuote may not be complete yet when the user returns to the doForms app. Contact doForms support to configure your ClearQuote account to send updates to doForms.
Available on Android.
Contact doForms sales to add ClearQuote vehicle inspection.
Send to ClearQuote
Jump to page: The system opens the Destination page within your form. You can setup multiple pages within the form by using the Page control. You can also navigate between pages based on the list of options pictured below.
Jump to question: This action repositions the form based on the selected Destination question.
Load form from review: doForms are held in three basic states. Incomplete, Complete, Sent. This action button allows a user to reload a form from the review tab without having to close the current form to do so.
Use the list below to identify which forms you are interested in selecting from. This feature will allow you to quickly return to a job or open a completed/sent form for the purpose of using it as the starting point for your next form. Sometimes the information is almost the same and this option can keep you from having to retype a ton of data.
Load selected form: You have three options for loading a form from a form. The close option closes the current form without saving it and loads the new form. The save option first saves the current form and then loads the new form. The load selected for option allows the user to load a new form and after the new form is closed or submitted, return to the original form.
You can send data between forms bi-directionally. You can Send values to the new form and you can Return values back to the original form.
This means that a single form can be used to launch multiple forms. If you are keeping track of which forms were complete, you could return a completed value back to the original form as a status flag.
- Refresh: Refresh the list of forms or projects.
Save current form as incomplete: Save the current form to the incomplete folder. If not checked, the current form is discarded.
Navigate with GPS: doForms has enhanced the current launch driving directions action. For purposes of backward compatibility, the Get directions option functions exactly like the launch driving directions option and older forms using this feature will be set correctly in this action:
- Location question: Select the question that contains the address (Text or Calculation question containing the complete address), or a GPS Location question that contains the location to use.
- Open map of location: Open Google or Apple maps with a pin at the specified location.
Open directions to location: Open Google or Apple maps with directions from the current location to the specified location.
Hint: To open Google Maps centered on the current location, use the Open program action with Android app name = Maps, and iOS app URL scheme = comgooglemaps://
The Get route option offers much greater access to Google features. Requires internet access.Start by selecting your Route type. Next you must define your Route. Your route can have multiple stops. In defining your route, you can select as your starting option your current location or you can use a user defined variable such as home address. You can also point to a field with a complete address or a latitude and longitude in it or type in an address for each stop on your route.
Once your route is defined you can get the Travel time or Arrival time for the route based on current traffic conditions.
You can get the actual Distance it will take to complete the route.
You can place a picture of the Route map into your form.
Finally, you can Open the route in Google maps and begin driving to your first stop and then on to the rest of your route.
Tips: Using user variables allows you to define a home address for each person. It allows you to set last job address so it can be used as the starting point for your next job.
Many companies today are using Google distance versus GPS tracking distance for travel reimbursement as it is less prone to manipulation.
Navigate with GPS requires an Advanced license or above. Get route requires a Premium license.
Navigate with Garmin: Users on Garmin GPS tablets will have an additional action to launch Garmin directions for commercial trucks. This option is hidden unless turned on specifically by account.
Open attachment: Attach a file to your form that can be opened from within your form by the user. The form user gets a button to open the file. There are two options:
Choose a file now: Choose a file now: Send the same file to every user. Select a file from your computer or point to a URL, to attach to the form. Only choose a file type that you know can be opened on the users device. As an example if the user has Microsoft office on their smart phone then you can attach an Excel document. Set the button text to something meaningful like View Price Book.
Choose a file in dispatch: Let the dispatcher select a file or enter a URL before sending the job. This allows you to dispatch unique attachments to specific users. An example would be attaching a PDF of the customer's original purchase order. Set the caption seen by the dispatcher (e.g. Attach PO). Also set the text that will appear on the button the user will see (e.g. Open Customer PO). Note that the dispatcher will have the option to attach the file. This will then automatically convert to a button for the user to open the file. You can configure this option to be required by the dispatcher or not.
If the file is uploaded using Upload a file, the maximum size is 30MB. If Paste a web URL is used, there is no file size limitation.
The user's device must have the appropriate software to open the file type you attach.
Hint: When using Dropbox, change the dl parameter to 1. This tells Dropbox to send the file. For example:
Choose a file now: Choose a file now: Send the same file to every user. Select a file from your computer or point to a URL, to attach to the form. Only choose a file type that you know can be opened on the users device. As an example if the user has Microsoft office on their smart phone then you can attach an Excel document. Set the button text to something meaningful like View Price Book.
Open program: Opens an app on the user's iOS or Android device. After selecting this action, you will need to enter the iOS app URL scheme and select the Android app. For iOS devices, the app URL scheme for many apps can be found by following the instructions at If the Android app you need is not listed, please contact
Open video: Plays a video that is located on the Internet (note that an Internet connection is required for a mobile user to play videos). After selecting this action, you will need to enter the URL of the video.
Open web page: Opens an Internet web page (note that an Internet connection is required for a mobile user to open a web page). After selecting this action, you will need to Enter a website url.
Print label: Print multi column and multi row barcodes, labels, and receipts.
Printer: Zebra (QLn or ZQ printers)
- Paper width: Choose between 2 inch, 3 inch and 4 inch. Choose the width of the paper actually being used, not the printer maximum width (e.g. choose 2 inch when using a 4 inch printer with 2 inch paper).
- Paper style: Choose the style of paper used to determine the label break.
- Text direction: Print vertically or horizontally. Choose Inverted to print the label upside down.
- Number of copies: Choose the number of copies to print each time the button is pushed.
Print type (PDF, PNG, ZPL): Select a label file to print.
- Add file: Select a Text or text Calculation that contains the publicly available URL of the file to print.
Print type (Manual): Define a label to print.
- Columns: Choose between 1 and 2 column layout.
- Show colon: Print a colon between the caption and the answer value.
Add row: Select the fields and formats you would like to appear in each column and row.
- Type: Choose from the list of supported field types.
- Field: Choose the field to print.
- Font size: Choose between small, medium and large font.
- Align: Choose L (left) C (center) or R (right) alignment.
- Print caption: Print the caption text from the question.
Bold result: Print the value in the field in bold text to distinguish from the field caption.
Printer: Brother (RuggedJet printers)
Use .bin file
How to use a .bin file to print a label on Brother printers. -
Use P-Touch Designer file
How to use a P-Touch Designer file to print a label on Brother printers.
Use .bin file
Print mobile: This options allows you to print to a full page printer from within the mobile form assuming that you have a supported printer connected to your device. The print layout is based on the layout of your form.
- Print fields: Select the page to print, or select All.
- Hide logo: Select to not include the form logo in the print out.
Supported printers: Brother PocketJet printers
Print web: Print the form to a full page printer from the web app or web portal.
Save as complete: Save the form, mark it as complete, close the form, but don't immediately send it.
In the mobile app the form will appear on both the Review and the Send tabs. The mobile user can modify the form on the Review tab, and must manually send the form from the Send tab for it to be submitted.
Note: In View data, the form will be submitted immediately.
Save as incomplete: Save the form, mark it as incomplete, and close the form.
- Status: Select a status that can be used to filter the form on the Review tab in the mobile app.
In the mobile app the form will appear in the Review tab, where it can be edited later.
Save form: Save the form, but don't mark it as complete or incomplete, and don't submit it.
Allows users to continue to work on the form without closing it. Used to insure that a user will not lose information when they are working on a large form. You can use the auto run option to trigger saves after certain questions are answered.
Save, send, close form: Saves the form and submits it to the doForms portal. If the user is not in coverage the form will be placed in queue and will be automatically sent once a network connection is established.
- Check for updates: Checks for updates after the form is submitted. This will check for new forms, form updates and changes in your form data sources.
Ignore required fields in forward: Allow the form to be submitted even if partially filled out when it is being forwarded. An example would be where a user requires a supervisor's approval before they can complete a form. The form can be forwarded to the supervisor and returned without the required fields being enforced. Note that only required fields placed after the action button in the form are ignored.
Save, send, load selected form: Load a different form after the current form is submitted. This option has the same features of the other send options but requires that you select the new form to be opened.
- Check for updates: Check for updates after the form is submitted.
- Ignore required fields in forward: Allow the form to be submitted even if partially filled out when it is being forwarded. An example would be where a user requires a supervisor's approval before they can complete a form. The form can be forwarded to the supervisor and returned without the required fields being enforced. Note that only required fields placed after the action button in the form are ignored.
- Refresh: Refresh the list of forms.
Send values: When reloading the new form you can request that certain information from the prior form be placed into the new form.
Save, send, reload form: Save the form, submit it, and reload a blank version of the same form.
- Check for updates: Check for updates after submitting the form.
- Ignore required fields in forward: Allow the form to be submitted even if partially filled out when it is being forwarded. An example would be where a user requires a supervisor's approval before they can complete a form. The form can be forwarded to the supervisor and returned without the required fields being enforced. Note that only required fields placed after the action button in the form are ignored.
Send values: When reloading the new form you can request that certain information from the prior form be placed into the new form. This eliminates the need to have the user type the same information multiple times.
Save, send, retrieve form: Submit the form and then start the retrieve process based on data in the current form. The user can retrieve a form without opening the Retrieve tab.
- Submit action: The action to take when the retrieved form is submitted.
- Project: The project to search.
- Form: The form definition to search.
Condition: The condition to use in the search.
- Restrict by mobile device: Only forms submitted by the same mobile device can be retrieved.
- Create date: The date the form was submitted. Use Custom to use a date range based on fields in the current form. Required.
- Question: Select a question in the form to search. Select a field in the current to form to match in the Answer. Not required.
- Display: Define the fields in the form that will be visible to the user in the list of forms to retrieve. If no fields are defined, the record name will be used.
- Remove from review if no changes are saved: Remove the retrieved form from the Review tab if the user exits the form without saving changes.
Send dispatch status: The doForms dispatch portal has the ability to display the status of a dispatched form. In some cases this is a system generated status sent from the device like received or viewed. You can allow the user to send a status like arrived or parts run. You can also add a text box into your form so that your user can enter their own status text. When they hit the send status button the text will be sent as a custom status message. You can choose text, numeric, choose one, or calculation fields value from the form to define your message or you can hard code a message associated with the button. Internet connection is required.
Send dispatch status requires an Advanced license or above.
Send time status to map: The doForms Workforce Manager portal has the ability to plot events on a Google map that it receives from within your mobile form in real-time.
This option can be useful to document on your map events like going on duty or lunch. You can send start work events or made safe events. Each event has the location, text and a timestamp. Unlike the Send status to dispatch action, this status can be sent from a form even if it has not been dispatched.
The Workforce Manager portal is turned on by account. Please talk to your doForms sales representative to find out more.
- Status text: Enter a constant value or choose another question that will contain the status text to display.
Status type: Select a category for the status.
If a user sends an "On" status, followed later by a matching "Off" status, the two will be paired and the duration between the two will be calculated. Status pairs are matched regardless of which form was used to send the status.- On duty / Off duty
- On lunch / Off lunch
- On break / Off break
- On other / Off other
Send status to map requires an Advanced license or above.
Send text message: Open the default SMS text messaging app on the device with pre-populated phone number(s) and message.
- Mobile number: The mobile number(s) to send the message to. Separate multiple numbers with a semicolon.
Message text: The text of the message to send.
- Set destination fields: This option allows a button press to set the content of another field. This can be very useful as you can use buttons to cause other actions. By setting the content of a field after button click you can use logic in other fields to react to the new field setting. As an example, you can have a menu of buttons and a single text field called button clicked. Set the text field to correspond with the button clicked. Then your other fields can use the button clicked value to hide or unhide themselves or perform other actions.