Use the Bluetooth LE control to read from a Bluetooth Low Energy device.
Available in doForms Premium upon request to
Default value
- Service identifier: The Assigned Number (Protocol Identifier) assigned by the Bluetooth organization to the device or manufacturer. The app will only receive data from a device using this identifier.
- Transmission order: Whether data is transmitted in Big Endian or Little Endian order.
- Byte order: Whether bytes are encoded in Big Endian or Little Endian order.
- Parse data in: Divide the data by bit or byte when parsing data into fields.
Add field: Add one or more fields to parse from the incoming data.
- Start at: Start reading data at this (zero base) location in the data stream.
- Length: Read this many bits or bytes from the data stream.
- Data type: The data type to read.
- Bluetooth key: Select if this field is the key field that will match data in the Lookup key field selected below.
If multiple devices are detected
- Select one device from a list: Display all the detected Bluetooth devices and allow the user to choose one from the list. Use this option if you always expect to read from just one Bluetooth device.
- Populate a table with all devices: Send data from all detected Bluetooth devices to a table. Note that the destination fields configured below must be located in a table.
Data lookup
Data source: A lookup table that contains additional information about the equipment where the Bluetooth device is located.
Lookup key: The field in the lookup that will match the field selected as Bluetooth key above.
Display: The field to display to the user when selecting from a list.
Lookup conditions: Any additional conditions to apply to the lookup in addition to matching on the Lookup key field.
Destination fields: Destination fields to populate. The data to send can be from either the matching data lookup record or from the parsed Bluetooth data.