Use a Geofence control to monitor when a dispatched mobile user arrives and departs from a location. Available with Premium.
Read more about other geofence types.
Description question: Select a text question that contains the name of the geofence. This will be used to label the geofence.
Input type: Geofence locations can be defined by either an Address or Latitude/Longitude coordinates.
Address question: The text question that contains the complete address of the Geofence. The Google Geocoding API converts the address into latitude/longitude coordinates. If the address is not recognized, no geofence will be monitored.
Latitude question: The numeric question that contains the latitude of the geofence in decimal format.
Longitude question: The numeric question that contains the longitude of the geofence in decimal format.
Arrived time destination: The destination date/time field to receive the date/time of the first time the mobile user arrived at the geofence. The destination field is filled in after the dispatch is submitted so the value will not be visible to the app user.
Departed time destination: The destination date/time field to received the date/time of the last time the mobile user departed from the geofence. The destination field is filled in after the dispatch is submitted so the value will not be visible to the app user.
Duration minutes: The destination field to receive the total duration in minutes the mobile user spent in the geofence. The destination field is filled in after the dispatch is submitted so the value will not be visible to the app user.
Radius: The size of the geofence. Geofences smaller than 50 meters may not be accurately detected.
Hold dispatch on device until departed: If the mobile user is inside the geofence when the dispatch is submitted, the dispatch will be added to the Send queue in the app. The dispatch will be sent automatically when the mobile user leaves the geofence, or after the Up to period has passed.
If Hold dispatch is unchecked and the dispatch is submitted from inside the geofence, the Departed time will not be populated and the Duration will be incomplete.
Note: Place the Geofence control after the other questions in the form.
iOS can monitor up to 20 geofences at a time. The app can monitor more geofences by always providing the 20 geofences closest to the current location to iOS. However, if the app is not open and the device travels a substantial distance, the 20 geofences monitored by iOS could become outdated.
Note: Geofence arrival and departure will only be detected while GPS Tracking is active.