Record Names are used to identify individual records (instances) of the same form. When you create a form in the Build Forms tab, the “Form Name” applies to all instances of the form. For example, in the “Simple Work Order Dispatch Form” below, all complete or incomplete records are assigned this same Form Name. Record Names are made up of one or more data values contained in the form to differentiate these records.
Record names are displayed in the doForms mobile app and also in each row in the View Data tab. In the example below, we assign record names by concatenating two fields in the form “Customer + Address”. In our application, when combined, these values identify each form record.
When specified, record names are also used as file-name values when creating PDF or Excel reports. If you plan on using record names for reports, then be sure that each record name is unique so that you do not over-write an existing file. If you are unsure, then add a date:time field to your record name to ensure uniqueness. Click here to read more about using record names for PDF and Excel reports.
By default, the record name consists of “Form Name + Date:Time” when the record was created. To customize the Record name:
While the form is open in the Build Forms tab, click on the Build > Forms > Settings menu and select Record Name. Next, move the fields which you wish to use in the Record Name from left to right. Click Save when done. The Record Names dialog will close. Note that when you are done editing your form you will also need to publish the form by clicking the Publish button for the record names to be applied.
If your form has previously been saved as “Published”, you may use the Build Forms open Special button to open it, then change the Record Name. Click Save when done. The Record Names dialog will close. Again, note that when you are done editing your form you will also need to save the form clicking the Build Forms Save button for the record names to be applied (in other words, there are two “saves” that need to be done).
In the example below, the form name will consist of “Customer + Address + Phone”.