Use charts to summarize and display information captured in a form.
Click Chart in any Data page to open the chart editor.
Click Save to save changes to the chart.
Chart type
- Line: Draw a line through each value.
- Bar: Show a bar for each value.
- Pie: Show the value as a percentage of the total.
- Scatter: Plot every data point.
Chart method
- Total: If there is more than one data point, sum the values.
- Average: If there is more than one data point, average the values.
- Count: Count the number of records. No Y-Axis selection is necessary.
Scatter plot requires no chart method because every point is plotted.
Chart data
X-Axis: Select the field to display on the X-Axis (horizontal).
- Group by: Day, Week, Month, Year: If the X-Axis is a date, select how precise the X-Axis should be. Week is Sunday to Saturday.
Y-Axis: Select up to three fields to display as series on the Y-Axis (vertical). Only numeric fields can be selected.
- Split into multiple series base on another column: Divide a single Y-Axis field into multiple series based on the value in a different field.
- Name: Label each data point with the X-Axis value.
- Value: Label each data point with the Y-Axis value.
- Percent: Label each slice of a Pie chart with the percentage of the total.
- Stack series in a single bar: Show one bar in a bar chart for each X-Axis value.
- Display chart above the grid: Display the chart when the current view is opened.
Use queries and fields to define which records will be charted. Only selected fields can be charted. Only data that has been retrieved will be charted. If not all records have been retrieved, click the Load all records link. The chart will update as additional records are retrieved.
Note that filters (client side) do not affect which records will be charted.
A car dealership records sales in a form that captures the Salesperson name, Make of the car, Sale date, Sale price, and Delivery fee.
- Total sales by day:
- Type: Line or Bar
- Method: Total
- X-Axis: Sale date with the Day option selected.
- Y-Axis: Sale price
- Total revenue by salesperson:
- Type: Bar (Stacked)
- Method: Total
- X-Axis: Salesperson name
- Y-Axis: Sale price, Delivery fee
- Sales by month for each make of car:
- Type: Line
- Method: Total
- X-Axis: Sale date with the Month option selected.
- Split the Y-Axis into multiple series: Make of the car
- Y-Axis: Sale price
- Proportion of sales contributed by each salesperson:
- Type: Pie
- Method: Total
- X-Axis: Salesperson name
- Y-Axis: Sale price
- Number of cars sold by make:
- Type: Line or Bar
- Method: Count
- X-Axis: Make of car