The Shipping control allows you to purchase and print shipping labels using the shippo service.
Click here to connect to shippo: Follow the steps to give your doForms account access to your shippo account. This must be completed once before shipping labels can be purchased.
- Get rates: Display a list of available rates and service levels to the user so they can select the shipping service they wish to purchase. Only carriers set up in your shippo account will be displayed.
- Create label: Immediately purchase the shipping service. Requires that the Carrier and Service level are specified.
Send to shippo: The information that will be sent to shippo to generate a shipping label.
- From address: The return address of the sender.
- From name: The name of the sender.
- To address: The complete address of the recipient. Use a text Calculation to combine address fields if they will be entered separately by the user. The address is verified by the Google geocode API before it is sent to shippo.
- To name: The name of the recipient.
- Parcel template: Select a Choose one control that contains a list of pre-defined parcels. If no pre-defined parcels will be used, leave this option empty. The user can select "Custom" if they wish to specify a custom size and weight. Add a pre-built parcel template choose one by clicking the link below.
- Add a parcel template choose one: Click to add a Choose one control to the form that has all the pre-defined parcels for the carrier(s) you plan to use. Once the Choose one has been added to the form, select it in the Parcel template option above. Note that you can edit the choose one and remove any parcels you will not use. You can also change the name of the options in the Choose one as long as the underlying values are not changed. Remove the "Custom" option if the user will never specify a custom size and weight.
- Length: The length of a custom parcel.
- Width: The width of a custom parcel.
- Height: The height of a custom parcel.
- Distance unit: The units to use for the Length, Width and Height measurements.
- Weight: The weight of a custom parcel.
- Mass unit: The units to use for the Weight measurement.
- File format: Select the format of the shipping label that will be returned from shippo.
- PNG - A PNG file of the shipping label. Can be saved to an Image control in the form.
- PDF - A PDF file of the shipping label.
- PDF_4x6 - A 4in by 6in PDF file of the shipping label.
- ZPLII - A ZPL (Zebra Programming Language) file that can be printed.
- Purchase button text: The text on the button the user taps to purchase a label.
- Carrier: Select a Choose one that contains the list of shipping carrier(s) the user can select. Available if Create label is the selected transaction. Add a pre-built carrier choose one by clicking the link below.
- Add a carrier choose one: Click to add a Choose one that contains the available list of carriers. Note that all carriers can be added here, but only carriers set up in your shippo account will work.
- Service level: Select a Choose one that contains the service level to use. Available if Create label is the selected transaction. Add a pre-built service level choose one by clicking the link below.
- Add a service level choose one: Click to add a Choose one that contains the list of available service levels
Destination fields: The fields that will receive information about the purchased shipping service.
- Carrier: The carrier selected.
- Service level: The service level selected.
- Tracking number: The tracking number of the shipment. Available if the shipment is trackable.
- Tracking url: A URL that can be used to track the shipment. Available if the shipment is trackable and the carrier offers a tracking URL.
- Rate amount: The amount charged for the shipment.
- Rate currency: The currency used.
- Estimated days: An estimate of the number of days required to deliver the shipment. Provided by the carrier.
- Label url: The URL of the shipping label file. To print the label, add an Action button with Print label as the selected action. Select a Print type (PNG, PDF, or ZPL) to match the File format selected above, and then select the destination field selected here as the File to print.
- Label image: Available if PNG is selected in the File format option. The Image field that will receive the image of the shipping label.