Build forms
CO-4001 Improves the style of Build forms.
Control: Action button
CO-4561 Adds the Audit action.
- Audit: Audit user entered data by comparing it with the values in a Data lookup. For example, you can compare scanned part numbers with known inventory, or match up a data lookup of pieces of equipment with a list of equipment codes entered by a user. Available with Advanced.
- Input question: The question that contains the information entered by the user. If the question is in a Table or Repeatable, all the rows in the Table or Repeatable will be compared when the Audit action is run.
- Data lookup: The data lookup that will be used to audit. Make sure the Lookup field set in the Data lookup contains the values to compare. The comparison is not case sensitive.
- Found in data lookup: Send to this question values entered by the user that match a value in the Data lookup. The question must be a Text field inside a Table or Repeatable.
- Not found in data lookup (over): Send to this question values entered by the user that do not match a value in the Data lookup. The question must be a Text field inside a Table or Repeatable. This question should not use the same Table or Repeatable selected in the previous option.
- Not entered but in data lookup (under): Send to this question all values in the Data lookup that were not entered by the user. The question must be a Text field inside a Table or Repeatable. This question should not use the same Table or Repeatable selected in the previous option. Use this option when the user is expected to find all or most of the items in the Data lookup. If the Audit action is run more than once, rows will be removed from this Table or Repeatable if new matching values are entered by the user.
CO-4151 Adds the Close, open selected form action.
- Close, open selected form: Close the form without saving data or sending it to the doForms portal, then load a different form after the current form is closed.
CO-3854 Adds the Close, reload form action.
- Close, reload form: Close the form without saving data or sending it to the doForms portal, then reload the same form after the current form is closed.
CO-4684 Adds native Apple Maps support to Navigate with GPS.
CO-4098 Adds route functions to the Navigate with GPS action.
- Navigate with GPS: Use Google or Apple maps navigation. An internet connection is required
- Action - Get directions: Use get directions when you want to navigate to a location.
- Location question: Select the question that contains the address (Text or Calculation question containing the complete address), or a GPS Location question that contains the location to use.
- Directions action
- Open map of location: Open Google or Apple maps with a pin at the specified location.
- Open directions to location: Open Google maps with directions from the current location to the specified location.
- Action - Get route: Use get route when you want to define a route with multiple stops. Available with Premium.
- Route type: The type of transportation that will be used.
- Route: One or more fields that contain the stops in the route. Select "Current location" to use the current GPS location.
- Travel time: The units to use and the destination field (Text or Numeric) to populate with the estimated travel time of the route.
- Distance: The units to use and the destination field (Text or Numeric) to populate with the total distance of the route.
- Route map: The Image field to populate with the route map.
- Open route in map: Open Google maps with the route.
- Action - Get directions: Use get directions when you want to navigate to a location.
CO-2247 Adds Brother Rugged Jet printers to the Print label action.
- Printer: Select Brother to print to Brother Rugged Jet printers.
- Printer setting file: Upload a Brother .bin file that defines the paper size options.
Follow these steps to generate a .bin file:- Connect to the printer as if you were going to print from your computer.
- Open the Brother support site and search for your printer model.
- Select Downloads, and select the operating system of your computer.
- Download and install the Printer Setting Tool found under Utilities.
- Open the Brother Printer Setting Tool and click New...
- Select the options that match the paper that will be used.
- Click Add to save the new paper setting.
- Select the new paper setting from the list and then click Export...
- Save the .bin file
CO-4015 Adds "Extra small" font option to the Print label action.
CO-4472 Adds "Extra large" font option to the Print label action.
CO-4228 Adds Number of copies option to Print label action.
- Number of copies: The number of copies to print.
CO-4374 Adds Send status to map action.
- Send status to map: Send a work status that can be displayed on the device map. Unlike the Send status to dispatch action, this status can be sent from a form even if it has not been dispatched. Available with Advanced.
- Status text: Enter a constant value or choose another question that will contain the status text to display.
- Status type: Select a category for the status.
If a user sends an "On" status, followed later by a matching "Off" status, the two will be paired and the duration between the two will be calculated. Status pairs are matched regardless of which form was used to send the status.- On duty / Off duty
- On lunch / Off lunch
- On break / Off break
- On other / Off other
CO-4027 Adds the Hide button after click option.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if clicked option.
CO-4448 Adds the ability to set a destination field that is outside a Table from an Action button inside a Table.
CO-4603 Improves proportional scaling of Action buttons with custom images.
CO-4050 Adds custom color selection to the Action button icon library.
Control: Auto-number
CO-4001 Renames the types of Auto-number: When collected becomes Generated. As received becomes Submitted. On demand becomes Requested.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: Barcode
CO-3835 Adds the ability to parse a Barcode by number of characters.
- Parse by delimiter: Parse a barcode into destination fields based on delimiter characters contained in the barcode.
Delimiter fields: Set the Start delimiter, Separation delimiter and End delimiter to use.
Destination fields: As the system breaks up the barcode into separate items, each item is placed into a destination field in the order in which they are parsed.
Example: With delimiters { | } the barcode {John|Smith|(555)123-1234} would be parsed into three fields: "John", "Smith", "(555)123-1234".
Example: With delimiters { | } the barcode 123{Item|200}456 would be parsed into two fields: "Item", "200".
- Parse by number of characters: Parse a barcode into destination fields by counting the number of characters in the barcode.
Example: With entries in the # column of 3, 2, 3 the barcode SKUAB123 would be parsed into three fields: "SKU", "AB", "123".
Example: With entries in the # column of 3, 2, 3 the barcode SKU00123456 would be parsed into three fields: "SKU", "00", "123".
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: Calculation
CO-4159 Adds Show commas option.
- Show commas: Include thousand separators.
CO-4477 Adds Decimal place option to date/time calculation.
- Decimal place: Indicates how many decimal places should be displayed in Numeric and Date/Time calculations. Values are rounded using the round half away from zero method.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: Data lookup
CO-3487 Adds the ability to set a Data lookup as a destination field.
CO-4314 Adds the ability to fill a Text destination field with the URL of a media field (Audio, Image, Label, Sketch, Video) from a form based lookup.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: Date/Time
CO-4273 Adds Week ending date option.
- Week ending date: Enter the date of the last day of the week.
- End day: The day of the week to consider as the last day of the week.
- Date field: The field to use as the date input.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: Email
CO-4390 Adds support for <br> <br/> or \n for line breaks in the Optional message.
Optional message: A message sent as part of the body of the email message.
Supports basic HTML markup including the following tags: <a>, <b>, <br>, <p>, <strong>. Also supports \n for a new line.
Supports merging information from form questions by wrapping the field name in brackets. For example: {Customer_Name}.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: Geofence
CO-4078 Adds the ability to monitor account and mobile user geofences.
CO-4372 Adds a new Geofence widget for dispatch.
Control: GPS location
CO-4087 Adds a Get address function to the GPS location control.
Style: Select the style of GPS location:
- Map & coordinates: Capture the location and then display a map and coordinates.
- Custom: Capture the location and then use it to populate destination fields or as input for another control. The map and coordinates are not displayed unless they are sent to destination fields.
- Trigger
- Button: Start the GPS location capture when the button is tapped.
- Auto run: Start the GPS location capture based on a Trigger.
- GPS destination fields: Send the GPS location data to destination fields in the form.
- Latitude: Latitude in decimal format if sent to a Numeric (Decimal type) field and in degrees if sent to a Text field.
- Longitude: Longitude in decimal format if sent to a Numeric (Decimal type) field and in degrees if sent to a Text field.
- Altitude: Altitude in meters. Can be sent to Text or Numeric (Decimal type) fields.
- Accuracy: Accuracy in meters. Can be sent to Text or Numeric (Decimal type) fields.
- Date: The date/time the location was captured. Can be sent to Text or Date/Time fields.
- Map: A map of the location. Can be sent to Image fields.
- Address destination fields: Get the street address of the captured location from the Google geocode service. The destination fields must be Text type fields. Requires Advanced.
- Complete address: The complete street address, city, state, and zip code as formatted by Google geocode service.
- Street: The street address.
- City: The city.
- State: The name of the state.
- Zip code: The postal code.
- Trigger
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: NFC
CO-3836 Adds the ability to parse an NFC tag by number of characters.
- Parse by delimiter: Parse the NFC tag into destination fields based on delimiter characters contained in the NFC tag.
Delimiter fields: Set the Start delimiter, Separation delimiter and End delimiter to use.
Destination fields: As the system breaks up the NFC tag into separate items, each item is placed into a destination field in the order in which they are parsed.
Example: With delimiters { | } the NFC tag {John|Smith|(555)123-1234} would be parsed into three fields: "John", "Smith", "(555)123-1234".
Example: With delimiters { | } the NFC tag 123{Item|200}456 would be parsed into two fields: "Item", "200".
- Parse by number of characters: Parse the NFC tag into destination fields by counting the number of characters in the NFC tag.
Example: With entries in the # column of 3, 2, 3 the NFC tag SKUAB123 would be parsed into three fields: "SKU", "AB", "123".
Example: With entries in the # column of 3, 2, 3 the NFC tag SKU00123456 would be parsed into three fields: "SKU", "00", "123".
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Control: Numeric
CO-4227 Adds Lock screen option.
- Lock screen: Don't automatically scroll the screen when the field is selected. Useful when the field is automatically selected by using Jump to.
CO-4159 Adds Show commas option.
- Show commas: Include thousand separators.
Control: Page
CO-4008 Adds Only display this question if option to the Page control.
Control: Retrieve / Modify
CO-4005 Adds non form based lookups to Retrieve.
- Data source: You can use the same data source to perform both a retrieve and modify within the same control. You can retrieve from both form based and non form based data sources, but only form based data sources can be modified. After you select your data source you must identify which fields must match in order to identify the specific record in your data source. This function will not work if your condition will equal more then one record in your data source. You must then pick an additional condition so that together those two conditions will only equal a single condition. Once you have configured your data source, you can choose to do a retrieve, a modify or both using the same data source. You can add multiple Retrieve/Modify controls into your form so if you need to retrieve data from one data source and then modify another you would use two controls to accomplish this.
CO-4332 Adds Case sensitive option to Lookup conditions.
- Case sensitive: Use a case sensitive search in the Data source. Note that un-checking this option may cause slower performance.
CO-4399 Adds Retrieve oldest record option to Retrieve.
- Retrieve oldest record: Retrieve the oldest record that matches the retrieve criteria. If not selected, the newest record is retrieved.
CO-4400 Adds Trigger option to Modify.
- Trigger: Define when the modify action runs.
- On submission: When the form is submitted.
- Auto run:
- On retrieve: Run the modify action as soon as the retrieve action completes. A retrieve action must be defined.
- When a question is answered: Run the modify action when a specific question is answered.
- When the form is opened the first time: Run the modify action as soon as a new form is opened.
CO-4398 Adds Modify and delete submission to Modify.
- Modify and delete submission: Run the modify action, and then delete the submission of the current. Select when you want to make changes to another form, but do not want to keep a record of the submission that made the change.
CO-4080 Adds Modify all matches to Modify.
- Modify all matches: Run the same modify action on all records that match the Lookup conditions.
CO-4060 Adds the ability to modify fields inside a Repeatable.
Control: Select Multiple
CO-4022 Adds Hide answers.
- Hide answers: Hide the answer text and display only the checkbox part of the select. Useful when there is only one answer and you want the Caption to contain the answer.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if checked option.
Control: Table
CO-4565 Adds Max number of rows to the Dynamically add rows option.
- Max number of rows: Limit the number of rows that can be added to the table.
CO-4601 Improves the row adding process of Dynamically add rows.
CO-4181 Adds Checklist filters.
- Checklist filters: Limit which rows in the checklist are displayed to the user. All rows in the table are included in the completed form, even if they are filtered out when the form is submitted. To limit the rows included in the table, use the Lookup conditions option of the Data lookup.
Control: Text
CO-4054 Adds Verify duplicates option.
- Verify duplicates: Compare with a question in the form and do not allow entry of a value that has already been entered. See also the Verify duplicates option in the Table control.
CO-4227 Adds Lock screen option.
- Lock screen: Don't automatically scroll the screen when the field is selected. Useful when the field is automatically selected by using Jump to.
CO-4022 Adds Hide field(s) if option.
Mobile app
CO-3812 Sorts forms in the app by Icon text instead of by Form name.
Control the order in which Form Icons are displayed: Forms are sorted alphabetically by the Icon text which is set when the form is published. To change the Icon text, click Edit when publishing the form.
Sort Form Icons non alphabetically: Use the Sequence priority number setting to display forms out of alphabetical order. Forms with 1 as their priority will appear before forms with 10 as their priority. Forms with a priority set will appear before forms with no priority.
User variables
CO-4104 Makes all user variables available to both web and mobile users.
CO-4086 Adds user variables as destination field targets.
- The user variable will be updated on the device immediately.
- The user variable will be updated on the server when the form is submitted if the variable is set to Sync.
CO-4105 Adds decimal format to user variables.