Secure Forward requires an Advanced license or above.
When you purchase an advanced or premium license package, you have the option of turning on Advanced security. This option has a number of benefits and is used to enhance security and provide HIPAA compliance for healthcare. Secure email allows you to securely send a PDF to someone for review.
MFA: Multi factor Authentication is turned on automatically with advanced security. With secure forward a link is emailed to the recipient. The user clicks on the link and is taken to a secure website. The system then generates and emails the recipient a unique code. The recipient must own the email address, know their name and have the code to access the PDF via the portal. Access is one time only.
In addition, you can choose to add an additional layer of encryption for certain fields within your form containing sensitive information. These fields will only be visible to a user authenticating with MFA.
You can also securely email a form and you can securely forward a report using the report builder.
Default value: The mobile ID or email address you wish to forward the form to. The mobile ID must be an integer value with no spaces or special characters. There are three ways to set the mobile ID:
- Type a mobile ID into this field as a default value.
- Leave the field blank, and prompt the user to enter a mobile ID.
- Use a lookup and set the Forward field as the destination field equal to the Mobile ID field in the lookup table.
Note that, to force a form to forward to a mobile user, type a mobile ID into the field, and then apply the desired Read-only parameters (described below). You may also want to hide this field by applying the desired Hide parameters (described below).
Forward to email: Format options that will be applied if the form is forwarded to an email address.
- Custom email subject: The subject line to use in the email forward. (not secure)
- Custom email body: The message to use in the email forward. (not secure)
Length: If selected, allows you to set the minimum and maximum length of the forwarding mobile id or email address.
Rules & Permissions
Actions & Logic
Reset: The system will automatically clear the Forward form to field so that the form does not get sent back to the same person over and over again.
Turn off email: The system will suppress emails from being sent when User A submits the form. This will allow the email to only be sent by User B after the form is complete.
Return to sender: The forward tool will automatically put the senders mobile number into the recipients forward tool. This setting is used when the forwarded form needs to return to the person who originally forwarded it.