Geotab Drive add-ins are buttons that appear in Geotab Drive.
Follow these instructions to build a Geotab Drive add-in that launches doForms inside the Geotab Drive app:
- In mydoforms select Manage > Integrations > Geotab Drive add-ins.
- Select the Type of add-in:
- Use a Single form add-in if your Geotab users will not have a doForms license.
- Use the Web client option if you want your doForms licensed user to be able to navigate the complete doForms app inside Geotab Drive.
- Use Android or iOS app if the doForms app will be installed.
- Select the doForms Project and Form to open when the user taps on the add-in button:
- Select the Icon and Text for the button that will appear in Geotab Drive:
- Click Copy to copy the configuration that defines the add-in.
- Open my.geotab and navigate to System > Settings > Add-Ins.
- Click New add-in or edit the details of an existing add-in, and paste the add-in configuration and click Save.