Before beginning, please ensure any forms saved as Incomplete or Complete have been sent.
Note: Any dispatch jobs on the device will need to be re-sent to the device after the install is complete.
- Remove the existing doForms app from your device (if it is already installed). Do this by pressing (tap and hold) the doForms icon, then tap the “X” symbol.
- From the web browser on your device go to You will need to log in using any web user login in order to access the downloads page.
- Tap the desired version of the iPhone or iPad app.
- You will be directed to TestFlight, the app used on iOS for beta testing:
- If TestFlight is already installed, tap Start Testing.
- If TestFlight is not already installed, tap View in App Store and install TestFlight.
- Tap INSTALL to install the beta version of doForms:
- Follow the TestFlight instructions:
When there is an updated version of doForms, you will be prompted to update by TestFlight.