When opening the doForms app on a mobile device, the first screen view shows the Main Menu (highlighted in red). This provides main functions, such as opening forms, editing and reviewing them, sending, retrieveing and viewing dispatched forms as well as setting configurations, making updates by synchronizing the mobile device with the doForms website account and, of course, exiting the app.
The Forms button provides access to all the forms that have been assigned to the device. Tap the Forms button. Then scroll the list of forms and select the desired one (highlighted in red). This will open the form.
Note that forms can be organized into projects. You can navigate these by clicking the Projects button in the Main Menu.
Once the form has been selected, a new screen will display the form in Form View. Form View allows you to see multiple questions on a page. Tap on any question to enter data. The Arrow in the bottom left (highlighted in red) advances data entry to the next field.
Forms can be organized into pages. Tap the page icon to navigate through the form.
Form View also has a menu dropdown that you can open (highlighted in blue) by tapping the menu icon (highlighted in red). The options always available are Save form, Exit form, and Question view.
When data has been entered in to a field, the Copy (highlighted in blue) and Remember (highlighted in red) buttons become available in the menu. Tap the copy button to copy the data in the current field to the clipboard. Tap the Remember button to set a default answer for future instances of the form.
If the Remember button has been pressed on a given question, it is replaced in the menu with the Forget button (highlighted in red). When pressed, this button clears the remembered data generated with the Remember button.
You can toggle to one-question-at-a-time mode by clicking the Question View button.
Question view displays the questions one by one. Navigate questions by swiping the screen, or by using the arrows.
Tap the menu icon to show or hide the Question View menu. This menu provides several functions that can make filling out the form easier. The Clear button clears a question's answer.
The Remember and Forget buttons also exist in question view. They function identically to in Form View.
You can return to Form View at any time by pressing the Form View button.
Use the Save Form button in the menu dropdown at key points to save your work. doForms also performs a periodic “auto-save” for unexpected situations like a sudden malfunction of the mobile device.
When you are done filling out the form, click the Exit Form button. A dialog box will open that asks if you want to save changes, with options Yes, No, and Cancel. Cancel closes the dialog box.
If Yes is chosen, another dialog box will open, with options to Save as incomplete, Save as complete, Save and send, and Save send and reload form. Save as incomplete saves a form as incomplete, for later completion and submission. Save as complete saves a form as complete, for later submission. Save and send saves the form and submits it immediately. Save, send and reload form saves the form, submits it immediately, and reopens a new copy of the form. Note that only forms that are Complete may be submitted. All “required” questions must be filled out before saving a form as complete, Saving and sending, or Saving sending and reloading. Saving as incomplete does not require all "required" questions to be filled out.
If No is chosen, a second dialog box pops up, asking for confirmation that you wish to exit without saving, with options Yes, and Cancel. Yes exits the form without saving, while cancel closes the dialog box.
After exiting the form, the screen will immediately switch back to Main Menu.
In order to access previously saved forms and review or edit them, tap the Review button. The review page will provide a tab for forms that are saved as Incomplete and a tab for forms saved as Complete. The Review tab is useful if instead of starting a new form each time, you wish to start with a previously complete form and just edit some of its entries. The Review menu provides the ability to Search for a specific form, or group of forms.
The Send button is used to submit completed forms to the doForms website. Note that the Send page has two tabs, one for selecting Completed forms and sending them, the other for viewing “Pending” forms. These are forms that doForms was unable to send because of a lack of Internet connection. doForms will automatically keep trying to send these pending forms until they are successfully received by the website.
Use the Jobs button to browse and open any forms that have been dispatched to your mobile devices. The number shown in between the brackets represents the number of pending jobs. These forms generally have some of the questions filled out for you. For example, if a job is a work order, the customer name, address and tasks to do will usually be filled out. The Jobs menu provides the ability to Search for a specific form, or group of forms. [The Jobs function is available with Dispatch accounts only.]
Several menus provide the ability to search for a specific form or set of forms. This allows a user to find all forms under a certain project, all instances of a specific form, or all instances of a specific form with a specific answer to a question. A project can be selected, and a form can be selected. If a form is selected, you can optionally choose a question and answer to that question. When the Search button is pressed, a list of the forms meeting the search condition will be displayed.
The Retrieve button can be used to fetch previously submitted data from the website. You can use this to access and edit data submitted by other mobile users. The retrieve function requires an Internet connection. The Retrieve menu functions similarly to other menus' Search Function, but with a few key differences. The biggest of these is that a form must be selected to search. The other difference is that Retrieve allows for searching for a form that has a specific answer to a question and a specific answer to another question.
[The Retrieve function is available with Dispatch accounts only.]
By pressing the Update button (highlighted in red), the doForms app will check for any new (blank) forms that have been created and added to your account. (An Internet connection is necessary). doForms also updates its forms every time the app is started.
Click the Notice bar at the bottom of the page to display a current alert published by your company's doForms administrator, or click the Notices button (highlighted in red) in the main menu bar to display all notices.
The Settings button gives access to doForms configurations, from where the user can customize the look and behavior of doForms. For example, there is a setting that controls if the app will automatically update the forms upon startup. Note that settings can also be controlled remotely by your doForms Administrator.
Finally, on Android devices, the Exit button does precisely that: by pressing it, you will exit the doForms app. Note that this button is the only difference between the doForms Android and iOS mobile app user interfaces (you will see it in the Android app, but not in the iOS app). In iOS, the doForms app will shut down only when the device is turned off.