Manage > General > Projects is where projects can be managed, created, removed, and have forms added or removed from them.
Note: The Manage tab is available to users with Manage or Admin privileges only. Be sure to click Save at the top left of the page to save any changes.
A doForms database is organized by Projects which in turn contain the Forms. The forms contain the data, and importantly, can be listed under multiple projects.
If a form is not assigned to a project, but the data table contains data, then the form will be listed in the View data and Dispatch tabs if the User is an admin or has the View abandoned data option selected. This allows for viewing and using the data on the website without mobile users seeing the form in the project. If a form is assigned to a project, then the form will always be listed in the View data and Dispatch tabs even if there is no data.
Each row in the Projects tab represents a form. The Form name column provides the form name and can be sorted alphabetically. The remaining columns to the right represent the projects, starting with the Main Project. The Search button displays a filter function that allows for searching forms with specific names.
Main Project
Each doForms account starts out with one “Main Project” which contains various useful forms. The Main Project has one key difference from all other projects: by default it is subscribed out to all mobile units. If there is a form which needs to be deployed to all mobile units, adding it to the Main Project in the Projects tab is an easy way to do so. Other projects that are created must be explicitly subscribed out to mobile units using Manage > Mobile app > Users
Default project
Projects in the mobile app are ordered alpha-numerically and, if no default project is manually set, the first project is the default project (i.e. the one selected when the doForms app starts). A default project can be manually set through Manage > Mobile app > Users using the edit action.
Project actions
Hover over the actions button below the project name to see the project actions menu:
- Add project: Add a new project.
- Rename: Rename the project. Note that the Main Project may not be renamed.
- Delete: Delete the project. Note that the Main Project may not be deleted. When a project is deleted, the records already collected in the project are no longer available. To stop using a project without losing the data, remove all forms from the project instead.
- Select all forms: Select all forms. Click Save to add all the forms to the project.
- Deselect all forms: Deselect all forms. Click Save to remove all the forms from the project.
Form actions
Hover over the actions button next to the form name to see the form actions menu:
- Add form: Select from published forms that have not been assigned to any projects. After the form is added to the list, make sure the check the project(s) for the form and click Save.
- Remove: Remove the form from all projects. The form is not removed from your account and can be added back to projects in the future. To permanently delete a form, open the form in build forms and select Delete.
- Select all projects: Deselect all projects. Click Save to remove the form from all projects.
- Deselect all projects: Select all projects. Click Save to add the form to all projects.