Attach form
CO-5262 Adds a new Attach form control.
CO-5523 Adds full screen scanning.
CO-5351 Adds Limit user to interval values option to the Use minute interval option of the Date/Time control.
- Limit user to interval values: Only display time values that match the selected interval in the time picker. Leave unchecked if the app should round the time value after it is selected by the user.
CO-5265 Adds the option to specify the default app to use when capturing an image.
Android app name: The exact name of the app to launch as listed in the App info screen of Android. If the app is not installed on the device, the default camera app will be used.
Note: This option is not currently available for iOS.
CO-5306 Adds Altitude to the list of image auto stamp options.
- Altitude: The altitude where the image was taken.
CO-5358 Adds zoom in and zoom out controls to the advanced toolbar.
- Zoom: Zoom in or zoom out. Useful when sketching on an existing image.