Manage > Website > Appearance is where admin users can customize the appearance of the website. The parts of the website that can be customized in this menu are the top bar, the banner, the menu bar, and the icons. All parts support color customization through the Color Selection interface, and the banner supports custom banner images, text and icon positioning, and text formatting. Each section also provides an appearance preview of the part being customized.
Note: The Manage tab is available to users with Manage or Admin privileges only. Be sure to click Save at the top left of the page to save any changes.
Color Selection
The color selection interface is used to select a color for an element of the page. There are a variety of standard colors, but a fully custom color can be chosen using Red, Green, and Blue values. Regardless of how the color is chosen, the RGB values of the color, and a large-scale preview of the color are displayed to the right of the standard color grid.
Top Bar
- Background Color: Sets the color of the background of the top bar.
- Text Color: Sets the color of the text on the top bar, when not hovered over with the mouse.
- Active Text Color: Sets the color of the text on the top bar, when hovered over with the mouse.
- Logo: Set the image and position of the logo. Supports custom logos using the Upload Custom Logo button, positioning of logo, and removal of logo by selecting None. Also allows for toggling of logo padding.
- Text: Set the banner text. Supports bold text, italic text, text size, text position, and removal of text by selecting None.
- Background Color: Sets the color of the background of the banner.
- Text Color: Sets the color of the text on the banner.
Menu Bar
- Background Color: Sets the color of the background of the menu bar.
- Text Color: Sets the color of the text on the menu bar, when not hovered over with the mouse.
- Active Text Color: Sets the color of the text on the menu bar, when hovered over with the mouse.
- Active Background Color: Sets the color of the background of a menu option being hovered over with the mouse.
- Color: Sets the color of the icons.
- Active Color: Sets the color of the icons, when hovered over with the mouse.
Example of Icons using dark gray: