Manage > Mobile > Settings is where admin users can determine various mobile settings. These extend from basic form viewing, to security settings.
Note: The Manage tab is available to users with Manage or Admin privileges only. Be sure to click Save at the top left of the page to save any changes.
- Portrait mode: Lock orientation of screen in portrait mode.
- Show question view option in drop down menu: Adds the question view option to the form dropdown menu.
- Show remember option in drop down menu: Adds the remember option to the form dropdown menu.
- Show copy option in drop down menu: Adds the copy answers option to the form dropdown menu.
- Form view menu: Show the Next button when a question is opened.
- See jobs by project: Sort dispatch jobs by project.
- Allow remote support log access: Allows support employees to remotely pull support logs from a device.
- Show Incomplete tab: Adds the list of Incomplete forms to the Review tab.
Show Complete tab: Adds the list of Complete forms to the Review tab.
- Allow open of complete forms: Allow the user to open forms that have been completed.
Show Sent tab: Adds the list of Sent forms to the Review tab.
- Clear auto-stamp questions when sent forms are opened: Clears auto-stamped answers such as dates when a form that was previously sent is opened from the sent tab.
- Purge sent forms schedule: Empties the Sent tab based upon a specified time frame.
- Connection: Chooses if data is able to be cent over cellular connection or only Wi-Fi.
- Check application version when updating: Check for new versions of the app when updating.
- Check for updates on startup: Check for updates to forms and lookup data when the app is first opened.
- Check for updates after Save or Send: Check for updates to forms and lookup data when a form is sent.
- Check for updates before opening a form: Check for updates to forms and lookup data when a form is opened.
- Only check again for updates after: Limit how frequently the app checks for updates to forms and lookup data.
- Prevent skip of update: Restricts a users ability to skip an update check.
- Auto-save form in question view: Determines after how many questions a form will auto-save as incomplete when in question view.
- Auto-save form in form view: Determines after how many minutes a form will auto-save as incomplete when in form view.
- Auto-save form before taking each picture: Determines whether a form will auto-save shortly before a picture is taken.
- Automatically retry sending forms: Determines how long after a form fails to send that another attempt to send is made.
- Use cloud notification: Use push notifications of new dispatched and forwarded forms. If push notifications are not working, uncheck this option and rely on the Dispatch check interval.
- Dispatch check interval: Determines at what interval the app will check for new dispatches.
- Tracking: Determines at what interval the app will make a GPS track of a mobile user.
- Tracking accuracy: Determines how accurate a GPS read must be in feet before it can be used as a track.
- Speed units: Select between English (mph) or metric (km/h) units for display of tracking data.
- Tracking schedule: Set certain time frames in which GPS tracking can take place or time frames where tracking cannot take place.
- Image scaling: Set how many pixels a picture will scale to, or if it will not scale at all. Options available are to leave images at original resolution, to scale images to device size, or to scale images to 1024 pixels wide, 512 pixels wide, or 256 pixels wide.
- Restrict retrieve by mobile device: Set if mobile licenses can retrieve form submissions made by other mobile licenses or not.
- Add app photos, images, and icons to Gallery: Adds all photos captured or used by the app (including icons) to the local image library.
- Show advanced toolbar: Display advanced options in the Sketch toolbar.
- Purge signatures (stored images) from the mobile device after submission: Removes locally saved pictures of signatures after the form the signature was entered in is submitted.
- Purge mobile app logs: Determines how long support logs stay on a mobile device.
- Make retrieve read only: Set whether users will be able to edit submissions they retrieve.
- Prevent bulk signature when complete: Don't allow bulk signature after a submission is complete.
- Immediately download dispatches: Determines if dispatches are immediately downloaded as soon as they are received. When unchecked the dispatch will be downloaded when it is opened.
- Allow single validation for Square payments: If using Square, don't require users of the app to authenticate with square.
- Reset remember values on update: Clears saved remember values every time a form update is downloaded.
Remove save option from menu: Don't allow the user to save (as incomplete or complete) using the built in menu.
- Remove Save as incomplete from menu: Don't allow the user to save as incomplete using the built in menu.
- Remove Save as complete from menu: Don't allow the user to save as complete using the built in menu.
- Remove save and send option from menu: Don't allow the user to submit a form using the built in menu.
- Remove pages option from menu: Don't allow the user to change pages using the built in menu.
- Action: When a retrieved record is submitted, it can either update the record that was retrieved, or it can create a new form submission.
- Create date: The default date range in the retrieve screen.
- Request PIN when opening app: Forces a user to re-enter their PIN in order to open the app.
- Block after: Determines how many times a user can get their PIN wrong before they are locked out of the app.
- Remove block after: Determines how many minutes an incorrect PIN block lasts for.
- Activity timeout after: Determines how many minutes the app can be idle before the PIN has to be re-entered.
- Blocked message: Chooses the message displayed when a user is locked out due to incorrect PIN entry.
- PIN hint: Chooses the hint that is displayed on the PIN entry prompt.
- Allow access to web client: Determines if users can use the web client.
Note: the "Prevent mobile users from changing" checkbox determines if a mobile user can change the settings in the group by going to the Settings tab on their device.