Send a Dispatch
There are three ways in to generate a new dispatch for a mobile unit:
Click the New button to open a new dispatch:
Select the Mobile option for Send to:
Use the Group to limit the list of mobile units. Select either the mobile Number or mobile Nickname.
Import dispatches from an Excel file.
Web Services are available for most dispatch functions and operate bi-directionally so that a programmer can send dispatch records while also receiving status updates and completed records.
doForms also offers Sync & Save which makes no-development integration easy.
The following status values are available for each dispatch sent to a mobile unit:
- Pending: The dispatch record has not been sent to the mobile unit. It will not be sent until a dispatcher edits it.
- Scheduled: The dispatch record has been scheduled to be delivered to the mobile unit at a later time.
- Sent: The dispatch record has been sent to the mobile unit.
- Received: The dispatch record has been received by the mobile unit.
- Viewed: The dispatch record has been viewed by the mobile user.
- Rejected: The dispatch record has been rejected by the mobile user.
- Recalled: The dispatch has been recalled by the dispatcher. Recall is available in Workforce Manager.
- Acknowledged: The recall action has been acknowledged by the mobile user.
- Completed: The dispatch record has been completed by the mobile user and has been received from the mobile unit.
- Recurring: The dispatch has been set to repeat and will be sent automatically in the future.
Status colors can be customized by selecting Settings > Status.
Custom Status
The Send dispatch status Action button can be used to send a custom status while the user is completing the form. Instead of Viewed, the dispatcher will see the custom status, for example, "Arrived" or "Made Safe".