1.12.30 2015-12-04
- [INTSYNC-209] - QuickBooks Invoice discount item types should not have a Qty value set
- [INTSYNC-210] - Curly braces are stripped from submission data
New Feature
- [INTSYNC-205] - Add Price Level to QuickBooks Item and Customer lookup lists
- [INTSYNC-206] - Include custom fields in QuickBooks lookup tables
- [INTSYNC-208] - Add option to include inactive items in QuickBooks lookup tables
- [INTSYNC-212] - Add Site and Bin fields to QuickBooks Invoice lines
- [INTSYNC-211] - Parse 0/1 and Yes/No to True/False for QuickBooks transactions
1.12.29 2015-12-01
- [INTSYNC-204] - Download request that starts in November and ends in December fails
1.12.28 2015-11-27
- [INTSYNC-196] - Select All | Redownload only downloads first selected submission
- [INTSYNC-200] - QuickBooks add customer fails if parent customer field is not populated
- [INTSYNC-201] - Unhandled exception: No room to display rows
- [INTSYNC-202] - Download edited occasionally does not download the most recent version if more than one job is processing the same web service
1.12.27 2015-11-16
New Feature
- [INTSYNC-197] - Add ability to treat Grids as Tables
1.12.26 2015-10-30
- [INTSYNC-195] - Approval process does not work if more than one job processes the same web service
1.12.25 2015-10-29
- [INTSYNC-192] - Salesforce lookup: if relationship column is blank in first record then column is not included in table
New Feature
- [INTSYNC-193] - Add employee list lookup table to QuickBooks
1.12.24 2015-10-28
- [INTSYNC-183] - InvalidOperationException: BindingSource cannot be its own data source.
- [INTSYNC-186] - Salesforce Column with relationship does not belong to table
- [INTSYNC-188] - Salesforce: Error 138: Id not specified in an update call
- [INTSYNC-177] - Retain checked selections on Submissions tab after processing a command
- [INTSYNC-190] - Make Clear History button only clear history for the current job
1.12.23 2015-10-22
- [INTSYNC-181] - Submission re-download leaves old PDF document in place
- [INTSYNC-182] - QB Invoice: At least one required field is empty, or the export format is incorrect.
1.12.22 2015-10-21
- [INTSYNC-178] - Export Once option incorrectly records some submissions as exported
- [INTSYNC-180] - Check if file type target is locked before exporting
1.12.21 2015-10-09
- [INTSYNC-171] - System.InvalidCastException: Operator '=' is not defined for type 'DBNull' and type'FileSystemType'.
- [INTSYNC-172] - System.Data.RowNotInTableException: This row has been removed from atable and does not have any data.
New Feature
- [INTSYNC-59] - Ericsson WFM web service
1.12.20 2015-10-05
- [INTSYNC-169] - GPS fields do not export if question is after a repeating section
- [INTSYNC-153] - Add expiration date to submission archive
- [INTSYNC-167] - Add option to clean up log files
1.12.19 2015-09-29
- [INTSYNC-157] - Re-download Selected only downloads first submission after clicking Select All
- [INTSYNC-165] - Date fields and Time fields don't populate correctly in Dispatch
- [INTSYNC-166] - SharePoint Document Library does not create folders in sub site
1.12.18 2015-09-28
- [INTSYNC-162] - Ionic.Zip.ZipException: Cannot read that as a ZipFile ---> System.OverflowException: overflow while creating filename
1.12.17 2015-09-05
- [INTSYNC-163] - Change Tools | Configuration Data to open top level directory
1.12.16 2015-09-03
- [INTSYNC-154] - Unhandled exception if circular job chain is configured
- [INTSYNC-155] - Post Dispatch SQL gets executed in some cases even when dispatch fails
- [INTSYNC-156] - Only summary of score fields displays in submission preview
- [INTSYNC-146] - Add additional columns to QuickBooks Customer lookup
1.12.15 2015-08-25
- [INTSYNC-143] - Multiply Repeats is not respected for SharePoint List Attachments
- [INTSYNC-144] - Schedule validation jumps to a different tab when an invalid schedule is entered
- [INTSYNC-114] - Make delete of archived submission also delete download and export history
- [INTSYNC-145] - Improve connect to QuickBooks process
1.12.14 2015-08-24
New Feature
- [INTSYNC-79] - ServiceCEO
- [INTSYNC-2] - Add count of Data Errors to main screen
- [INTSYNC-102] - Add option to convert all time values to local, even in concatenated field
- [INTSYNC-103] - Add option to specify date/time format to use in non-sql output
1.12.13 2015-08-19
- [INTSYNC-141] - Incorrect number of columns in format error in QBO Invoice job
- [INTSYNC-142] - Add Amount field to QB Estimate
1.12.12 2015-08-17
- [INTSYNC-139] - QB Customer list without BillAddress fails to upload
- [INTSYNC-140] - Unhandled exception when deleting Value in Format tab
- [INTSYNC-138] - Add ability to add single comment line to QuickBooks transactions
1.12.11 2015-08-14
- [INTSYNC-137] - Schedule times don't display correctly on low resolution monitors
New Feature
- [INTSYNC-131] - Add ability to dispatch from a submission
- [INTSYNC-136] - Add ability to receive custom status updates from dispatched forms
1.12.10 2015-08-12
- [INTSYNC-133] - OverflowException in scheduler
- [INTSYNC-134] - Clean : character from attachment paths
- [INTSYNC-135] - Add ability to add comment lines to QuickBooks transactions
1.12.9 2015-08-07
- [INTSYNC-128] - StrongTypingException: The value for column 'ExportOnce' in table 'Job' is DBNull
- [INTSYNC-129] - Constraint exception when receiving submissions
- [INTSYNC-130] - Add ability to specify which fields to include in QuickBooks lookup tables
1.12.8 2015-08-06
- [INTSYNC-127] - Drag and drop does not work on the Format tab
1.12.7 2015-08-04
- [INTSYNC-122] - NullReferenceException when loading some QuickBooks Item List data
- [INTSYNC-125] - Carriage return in path data causes attachment export to fail
- [INTSYNC-123] - Build submission history based on local archive if no history is found
- [INTSYNC-126] - Add Copy/Paste of submission Format from Excel
1.12.6 2015-07-28
- [INTSYNC-108] - Export Once option doesn't work if New and Edited version of submission received in same run
- [INTSYNC-116] - Unhandled exception when sorting by Value column in Format tab
- [INTSYNC-121] - Constraint exception when loading list for Submissions tab
- [INTSYNC-119] - Make date range query on Format tab inclusive
- [INTSYNC-120] - Allow sorting of fields on Format tab
1.12.5 2015-07-27
- [INTSYNC-117] - Turn off highlighting of submission fields when a large number of fields are configured.
- [INTSYNC-118] - Notify the user if Internet Options security is too high to allow cloud file system authorization
1.12.4 2015-07-23
- [INTSYNC-105] - Start At date doesn't advance if job is run manually from form
- [INTSYNC-111] - Unhandled exception on folder browser form if cloud file system not connected
- [INTSYNC-104] - Handle calculated values with no user entry even if web service returns incorrect number of decimal places
- [INTSYNC-110] - Add Ship To, Phone #'s to QB Customer lookup table
- [INTSYNC-115] - Expand max length of sql statements to 100,000 characters
1.12.3 2015-07-09
- [INTSYNC-100] - EmailPassword null error in Settings screen
1.12.2 2015-07-09
- [INTSYNC-92] - Notification email does not work with gmail
- [INTSYNC-93] - Text (no underscores) data type located after Decimal data type tries to convert value to decimal
- [INTSYNC-96] - Calculated fields in a grid are counted as user entry for all rows.
- [INTSYNC-99] - SharePoint Document Library won't upload to SharePoint subsite
- [INTSYNC-12] - Change icons
- [INTSYNC-84] - Make lookup table calls only update doWork when process is complete
- [INTSYNC-95] - Improve error message from lookup table column verification
- [INTSYNC-97] - Improve error message from QBO export
- [INTSYNC-98] - Add in/out append only file source for lookup tables.
1.12.1 2015-06-24
- [INTSYNC-40] - Out of Memory Error
- [INTSYNC-75] - Job appears frozen if primary key is violated in Oracle statement
- [INTSYNC-87] - Error screen not responding
- [INTSYNC-90] - Format tab: Highlight Nodes error "value for column value in table Schema is DBNull"
- [INTSYNC-91] - Error in Quickbooks Time Entry Response HRESULT 0x80040300
- [INTSYNC-86] - Clear lookup table if data source has zero records in it
1.12.0 2015-06-22
- [INTSYNC-6] - If currency symbol or default value is used in detail section of form, it is processed as an entry even if the user doesn't enter any values
- [INTSYNC-71] - Changing ws on dispatch job clears existing configured fields even if they match
- [INTSYNC-72] - Blank recordid field in submission produces an Archive path that is too long for OS
- [INTSYNC-73] - Sharepoint Document Library auth screen doesn't show auth type options
- [INTSYNC-76] - Clicking Download All on the submissions tab after deleting a local submission does not download the deleted submission
- [INTSYNC-80] - Lookup table preview doesn't show all columns unless in Debug Mode
- [INTSYNC-85] - Lookup fields with " (double quote) in value breaks parsing
- [INTSYNC-7] - Make Format preview refresh when web service id is changed/remove template file
- [INTSYNC-8] - Split Email and Subject into separate fields
- [INTSYNC-10] - Parse Choose Multiple fields into multiple fields
- [INTSYNC-50] - Make "Upload only if data changes" option possible only if running job manually
- [INTSYNC-53] - Highlight submission nodes that are already present in the Format
- [INTSYNC-54] - Highlight correct submission node when cursor is placed on a field in Format
- [INTSYNC-67] - Test Oracle Cloud connection and write up correct connection string article
- [INTSYNC-68] - Auto convert between / and \ when changing between cloud and local file systems
- [INTSYNC-78] - Add option of Not Now to activation wizard
- [INTSYNC-81] - Allow user to choose username for windows task configuration
New Feature
- [INTSYNC-69] - Map Choose One/Choose Multiple to Choice type fields in Sharepoint