Dispatch Process
Sync & Save follows the following steps each time a file type (csv, xml, Excel) dispatch job runs:
Sync & Save scans the Source Folder for any files with the correct extension and imports their content.
- Note: If you provide the path to a specific file in the Source Folder field, Sync & Save will only process the specified file.
- For Excel and csv, check off whether the file has a first row with column headers.
- For Excel, enter the name of the worksheet to query. If no name is entered, the first worksheet will be queried.
Sync & Save transforms the data received using the format configured on the format tab.
- Click the refresh button on the left side of the screen to populate the first 25 records read from the source file(s).
- Click Populate Fields to refresh the list of fields that can be populated.
- Map the data you wish to upload by dragging fields from the left side of the screen.
- The @mobileNumber field is not required. However, if it is included the record status will be set to "Sent" and the record will be delivered to the correct mobile unit, otherwise the status will be set to "Pending".
- Note that Date Time type fields should be populated with UTC/GMT values.
- Sync & Save uploads each dispatch record to the doForms web service which pre-populates the form fields and sends it to the correct mobile device (if specified).
- Any data that causes an error is saved in the Error tab.
- If Delete File is checked off, then the source file(s) are deleted. If a directory is specified in the Source Folder or File, then all files in the directory that match the specified file type will be deleted, even if the file did not contribute any values to dispatch.