You can upload a variety of lists using Sync & Save PLUS QuickBooks.
Fields will be loaded with a default list of fields. Click Edit to customize the list of fields. Field names must exactly match the field names below, but can be listed in any order. Field names should be separated by a comma.
Connecting to QuickBooks
See this article for instructions on connecting to QuickBooks.
Changing an Existing Lookup Table
See this article for instructions on changing the columns in an existing lookup table.
Custom Fields
To include custom fields, add the name of the field followed by _Custom. For instance, if there is a custom field called "PO Number", enter "PO Number_Custom" in the list of fields.
Custom fields are available beginning with version 1.12.30.
Active Records
By default only active records are included. To include inactive records, check the "Include inactive" option on the Advanced tab.
The "Include inactive" option is available beginning with version 1.12.30.
See this article for instructions on filtering.
Customer Fields
- ListID
- FullName
- ItemSalesTax
- Taxable (1 for true, 0 for false)
- TaxRate
- BillAddress1
- BillAddress2
- BillAddress3
- BillAddress4
- BillCity
- BillState
- BillZip
- BillCountry
- ShipAddress1
- ShipAddress2
- ShipAddress3
- ShipAddress4
- ShipCity
- ShipState
- ShipZip
- ShipCountry
- Phone
- AltPhone
- CompanyName
- Salutation
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastName
- JobTitle
- Fax
- Cc
- Contact
- CustomerType
- Terms
- SalesRep
- AccountNumber
- PriceLevel (Version 1.12.30+)
- IsActive (Version 1.12.30+)
- BillAddressBlock1 (Version 1.13.52+)
- BillAddressBlock2
- BillAddressBlock3
- BillAddressBlock4
- BillAddressBlock5
- ShipAddressBlock1
- ShipAddressBlock2
- ShipAddressBlock3
- ShipAddressBlock4
- ShipAddressBlock5
- Balance (Version 1.14.3+)
- TotalBalance (Version 1.14.3+)
- Name (Version 1.14.32+)
Item Fields
- ListID
- FullName
- Name
- Type (Discount, Inventory Assembly, Inventory Part, Non-Inventory Part, Other Charge, Service)
- Taxable (1 for true, 0 for false)
- Price
- SalesDescription
- PriceLevel (If the PriceLevel field is included, a line will be added for each PriceLevel and Item combination. Either ListID or FullName as well as Price must be included in the list of fields for the PriceLevel to be populated.) (Version 1.12.30+)
- IsActive (Version 1.12.30+)
- QuantityOnHand
- QuantityOnOrder
- QuantityOnSalesOrder
Vendor Fields
- ListID
- Name
- VendorAddress1
- VendorAddress2
- VendorAddress3
- VendorAddress4
- VendorCity
- VendorState
- VendorZip
- VendorCountry
- Email (version 1.13.18+)
- IsActive (Version 1.12.30+)
Employee Fields
- ListID
- Salutation
- Name
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastName
- JobTitle
- Department
- Phone
- Mobile
- AltPhone
- Fax
- AccountNumber
- Addr1
- Addr2
- City
- State
- PostalCode
- IsActive (Version 1.12.30+)
Customer Ship To Address Fields
- CustomerFullName
- Name
- Address1
- Address2
- Address3
- Address4
- City
- State
- PostalCode
- Country
- Note
- DefaultShipTo
- CustomerIsActive
Invoice Fields
- TxnID
- Customer
- Class
- ARAccount
- Template
- InvoiceDate
- InvoiceNumber
- BillAddress1
- BillAddress2
- BillAddress3
- BillAddress4
- BillCity
- BillState
- BillZip
- BillCountry
- ShipAddress1
- ShipAddress2
- ShipAddress3
- ShipAddress4
- ShipCity
- ShipState
- ShipZip
- ShipCountry
- PONumber
- Terms
- DueDate
- SalesRep
- ShipDate
- ShipMethod
- Subtotal
- ItemSalesTax
- SalesTaxPercentage
- SalesTaxTotal
- AppliedAmount
- BalanceRemaining
- Memo
- CustomerMsg
- CustomerSalesTaxCode
- SuggestedDiscountAmount
- SuggestedDiscountDate
- Other