Below is an explanation of each of the system fields automatically included in submissions:
start | The UTC date and time the submission was started on the device. |
end | The UTC date and time the submission was saved as complete on the device. Captured when the user taps Save and Send. This field is not updated by the Retrieve function. |
today | The local date the submission was started on the device. |
deviceid | IMEI number of device. Blank if submission was created on the portal. |
subscriberid | IMSI number of device. Blank if submission was created on the portal. |
simid | SIM card number of device. Blank if submission was created on the portal. |
phonenumber | The phone number of the device as configured on the portal. |
mobilekey | The unique id of the mobile device. The user name of the user if submission was created on the portal. |
projectkey | The unique id of the project. |
recordid | The unique id of the submission. Titled Form_Record on the portal. The first two portions of this field are the account code and form code. |
recordid_Number | The auto incrementing submission number as extracted from the recordid field. |
Record_Name | A combination of submission field data. This field can be configured under Build Forms on the doForms portal. Blank if no record name has been configured. |
edit_datestring | The UTC date and time the record was edited on the portal or the UTC date and time the record was saved as complete after being retrieved on a device. Blank if it has not been edited. Titled Edit_Date on the portal. |
timezone | The timezone offset from UTC (in number of minutes) of the device that created the submission. If the submission was created on the portal, the timezone offset configured at Account | Date:Time Settings. |
Date_Created | The UTC date and time the submission was saved as complete on the device. Captured when the user taps Save and Send. This field is not updated by the Retrieve function. |
Date_Created_Local | The local date and time (based on timezone setting of the machine where Sync & Save is installed) the submission was saved as complete on the device. |
statusName | If the submission was created as a dispatch, the name of the status when the submission was downloaded. Available in 1.11. |
statusCode | If the submission was created as a dispatch, the numeric code of the status when the submission was downloaded. Available in 1.11. |
nickname | The nickname assigned to the device that created the submission. Available in 1.11. |
Date_Received | The UTC date and time the submission was received by the doForms portal. This is the date used when submissions are requested by date range. Available in 1.11. |
Date_Received_Local | The local date and time (based on the timezone setting of the machine where Sync & Save is installed) the submission was received by the doForms portal. |
Pdf_Report | The url that can be used to download the PDF report. All PDF and Excel fields are populated with real values when the files are actually exported. |
Pdf_Report_FileName | The file name of the PDF report. |
Excel_Report | The url that can be used to download the Excel report. |
Excel_Report_FileName | The file name of the Excel report. |