Update An Existing Vendor
- To update an existing vendor, populate the "Existing Vendor ‡" field with either the Display Name of an existing vendor. If no matching Vendor is found, a new Vendor will be added.
Add A New Vendor
At least one of the following fields must be populated to add a new Vendor:
- Given Name
- Middle Name
- Family Name
- Company Name
- Display Name
Vendor Fields
Existing Vendor ‡
Given Name
Middle Name
Family Name
Company Name
Display Name
Name On Check
Is Active
Primary Phone
Alternate Phone
Mobile Phone
Email Address
Web Address
Bill Address 1
Bill Address 2
Bill Address 3
Bill Address City
Bill Address State
Bill Address Postal Code
Bill Address Country
Bill Address Note
Tax Identifier
Terms ‡
Account Number
Is 1099
Currency ‡
See this article for more information on field types.
Available in Sync & Save PLUS QuickBooks version 1.11.11