If Sync & Save attempts to download submissions for a date range that begins in November and ends in December, it may fail and produce the following error:
Receive Data Error System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime.
Applies to version 1.11.x to 1.12.28.
Fixed in version 1.12.29.
This error can be resolved without updating to version 1.12.29 by following these steps:
1. If there are any submissions from November that have not been downloaded, then
a. On the Submissions tab, change the date selection to November 2015
b. Click Download Month
c. Check off any new submissions (new submissions will be found at the end of the list and will have Exported = 0 and Errors = 0)
d. Click Export to export the selected submissions
2. Change the Start At date on the Settings tab to 12/01/2015 12:00:01 AM and run the job